Watershed Size: Approximately 801sq mi / 513,121 acres.
Location: Colbert, Franklin, Lawrence, Marion and Winston Counties AL ; Tishomingo, Itawamba Counties MS.
Priority Species:
Fish: Bandfin Darter, Blueface Darter, Brindled Madtom, Gilt Darter, Slenderhead Darter, Suckermouth Minnow
Mussels: Slabside Pearlymussel, Kidneyshell. Rabbitsfoot, Creeper, Black Sandshell, Cumberland Moccasinshell, Round Hickorynut, Cumberlandian Combshell, Pink Mucket, Alabama LampmusselMucket
(H), Snuffbox
(H), Finerayed Pigtoe
(H), Tennessee Clubshell
(H), Tennessee Pigtoe
Snails: Round-rib Elimia, Warty Rocksnail
(H) = Historic (species historically occurred in the SHU or SRRU but, it has either not been collected in a number of years, and may be considered extirpated, or the species could be present but there aren’t recent records to document its presence).
Critical Habitat for: Oyster Mussel (Unoccupied CH), Cumberlandian Combshell