Watershed Size
Approximately 425 square miles / 272,000 acres.
Tuscaloosa and Fayette Counties, AL.
Priority Species
Mussels: Rayed Creekshell, Delicate Spike, Orangenacre Mucket, Alabama Moccasinshell, Southern Clubshell (H), Dark Pigtoe, Ovate Clubshell (H), Triangular Kidneyshell
Reptiles & Amphibians: Seepage Salamander, Black Warrior Waterdog, Alligator Snapping Turtle, Flattened Musk Turtle
(H) = Historic (species historically occurred here, but has either not been collected in a number of years, and may be considered extirpated, or the species could be present but there aren't recent records to document its presence).
Critical Habitat for these Species
Orangenacre Mucket, Alabama Moccasinshell, Dark Pigtoe, Ovate Clubshell (H), Triangular Kidneyshell
The North River Wathershed Management Plan
watershed assessment was conducted in the North River Watershed in 2010. This information was utilized to produce the
North River Watershed Management Plan. The plan received 319 funding, and a watershed coordinator was hired to help implement restoration work in the watershed. Please visit
http://www.northriverwatershed.org/# to learn more about the activities being done to restore and protect water quality in this SHU.
North River SHU Fact Sheet
To view an interactive map of the North River Watershed, click on the image below.